We fully understand the pain and agony that an addict goes through along with his family members. We not only provide help to the addicts but also do family counselling so that the awareness regarding addiction is there among the family members. An addict is not a person of weak moral character or he does not want to create the ruckus every time he uses his substance but it is the very nature of the disease that makes him do so. It is as fatal disease.
We customize the treatment plan for every addict depending upon his phase of addiction. We have an experienced team of psychiatrists who help the patients in detoxification and treating any other disorder apart from substance abuse. Our team includes experienced therapists and counsellors who help the patients identify their disease and develop coping skills to fight their disease.

We provide some of the best quality food to the patients admitted in our facility. There is also fun and games time every day which help the patient to relax and recharge.
Together we can overcome this disease of addiction. If you or anybody you know is suffering from addiction wants to get out the vicious cycle of addiction we are there for you. There should be no shame in admitting your addiction or anybody you know suffering from addiction. Let’s fight against this disease of addiction and save the despairing lives of millions. We need your support in this battle.